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Monday, November 21, 2011

Sweet 16 & Quinceanera Trends

Hello Friends! With my birthday coming up and Free Your Star being a teen magazine, I thought it was the perfect chance to share with you sweet 16 and quicineara dresses!   Many shades of blue are popular this season, you can find most of these looks online at or  

I hope you like!

xo - Arisleyda

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Today's Hot Jams

Download Louis La Roche Los Angeles

Download Katy Perry The One that Got Away (R3hab Club Mix)

by: Kiyoshi 

Stephanie Slatt

 Stephanie Slatt is a very talented young lady. She stopped by L.I.M College and talked about her design. She is making a cool scarf. Not just any scarf, I'm talking about a scarf that protect you from the rain. Now, you're thinking how a scarf is going to protect you from the rain. Well, Stephanie has all those details, while she was talking about her lovely design, me and Brianna are taking notes, and asking questions.

My first question was "What type of materials do you use for your scarf?"

Stephanie said she uses any type of materials, she just wants them to be breathable, comfortable, and cool.

My second question was "Do you think in the next 5 years your scarf will be more popular than an umbrella?"

Stephanie said that's her goal to have the scarf be more popular than an umbrella. For her creation she wants to collaboration with VF Corp, who owns brands Nautica & John Varvatos.

My last question was "Did you ever think of putting your designs in production?"

Stephanie said her friend's brother clothing line called " So Official." She made a few tee shirt graphics and also designed the logo for the company.

Now, after you finish reading this stay tuned for the full article of the Stephanie Slatt written by Brianna Elcock a.k.a The Senior Editor.

                                                                                              STARR.E ª

Monday, November 14, 2011

DJ Radio Rose

Hey, what's up, my name is Kiyoshi, Free Your Star's Media Manager. Every week I will be posting music playlist we are working to. First up is Radio Rose (check out full article on her in our January issue!).

Born in Brooklyn, where she currently spins at private fashion parties and lounges. The DJ she worked with in the past was Jasmine Solano, who is a rapper and a DJ, she also worked with DJ Lady Shellez who spins on 105.1.

She fell in love with the music in the club and shortly after her boyfriend DJ Sure Shot, and that’s how she learned how to become a DJ. Her favorite hit right now is Rihanna's We Found Love. The type of genres she plays are moombahton, reggae, disco to indie-rock. Her favorite DJ right now is Spinderella and Beverly Bond. 

from left to right: Megan , Starr, Kiyoshi , Arisleyda , Kit-Kat, Dj radio rose, Brianna, Renee.

Rose has been styling since 2005 - work by Rose Garcia:

Streetah ( Striped & Cheetah )

Forever 21 - 16.80
American Eagle - 19.50
Wet Seal - 12.50

Forever 21 - 7.80

Forever 21 - 3.50
-From KitKat :)
H&M 29.95